GURU Cyprus

The Troodos Mountains are home to a variety of unique and beautiful birds. From the soaring Griffon Vulture to the tiny Cyprus Wheatear, there’s something for everyone to see when out and about.

Griffon Vulture

The Griffon Vulture is a large, majestic bird with a wingspan of up to 10 feet. It is one of the most common vultures in the world and is found in many parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Griffon Vultures are scavengers and feed on dead animals, which they find by soaring high above the mountains and spotting carcasses from a distance.

Bonelli’s Eagle

Bonelli’s Eagle is a medium-sized eagle with a wingspan of up to 7 feet. It is found in the Mediterranean region, including Cyprus, and is a relatively secretive bird. Bonelli’s Eagles are predators and feed on a variety of animals, including rabbits, pigeons, and lizards. They are classified as “threatened” in the wild.

Short-toed Treecreeper

The Short-toed Treecreeper is a small, brown bird with a distinctive white stripe on its head. It is found in many parts of Europe, including Cyprus, and is a common sight in the mountains. Short-toed Treecreepers are insectivores and feed on a variety of insects, which they find by climbing up tree trunks.

Cyprus Wheatear

The Cyprus Wheatear is a small, brown bird with a distinctive white belly and black bib. It is found only in Cyprus and is a common sight in the Troodos Mountains. Cyprus Wheatears are insectivores and feed on a variety of insects, which they find by hopping along the ground or by hunting in low bushes. They are considered to be “vulnerable” in the wild.

Cyprus Warbler

The Cyprus Warbler is a small, brown warbler with a distinctive white throat and streaked chest. It is found only in Cyprus and is a common sight in the Troodos Mountains. Cyprus Warblers are insectivores and feed on a variety of insects, which they find on the ground or in low bushes, just like the Cyprus Wheatear. They are considered to be “near threatened” in the wild.

Cyprus Scops Owl

The Cyprus Scops Owl is a small, brown owl with a distinctive heart-shaped face. It is found only in Cyprus and is a common sight in the Troodos Mountains. Cyprus Scops Owls are insectivores and feed on a variety of insects, which they find by catching them in mid-air.

These are just a few of the many birds that can be found in the Troodos Mountains. If you are interested in birdwatching, the Troodos are a great place to start your search. With a diverse habitat and variety of species, the Troodos Mountains offer a unique and exciting experience for bird enthusiasts of all levels.